Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang

Ivrea, A Utopian Ruin.
Preserving the Abandoned Olivetti Site in Ivrea, Italy
Masters Thesis, 2019
Design Instructors: Alessandro De Magistris & Matheus Cartocci
Team: Christopher Taylor & Alice Huang
Looking back at Ivrea’s transformation from a small hillside town to a partially realised utopia, and soon after to its inevitable failure, it is evident that the relentless drive towards this intangible dream of utopia is the piece that truly enhanced the buildings’ architectural value and at the same time, provided the place with its identity.
Today, as the town of Ivrea grows ever-older in its population, it marks the end of an important chapter, handing itself over to the many future possibilities waiting to unfold. This place, with its history, should not have to submit to a simple update in program, but as a utopian ruin, it should be preserved in a manner that proclaims the impossibility of the utopia.
To this, we declare the flooding of the Olivetti site by directing water from the Dora Bàltea River adjacent to it. The flood will come as a welcome stream of vitality, filling the void between the buildings as it rises to a level of 10m. Here, the water will create a Fata Morgana of the once utopian landscape. The iconic heritage buildings will now exist as an archipelago of monuments within the lake, isolated and protected from any outside influence.
Although radical, the artificial lake and its many associations offer something much more than simply preserving the buildings within. The impression of the flood comes with many destructive connotations, which works to contrast the idea of utopia, offering a kind of dystopia. Almost warning society of the dangers that may arise when pursuing this hedonistic dream.
The idea of the lake then offers an idea of stillness and silence, freezing the buildings in place and with it, the memories it still holds within its walls and the life it once had. The water also provides a notion of reflection, not only in the mirroring sense but also in the act of contemplation as well. The tops of the buildings are mirrored on the surface of the water, creating a mirage that echoes the once utopian landscape, placing it just out of reach.
In a physical sense, the simple presence of the lake adds to our perception of the passage of time; enhancing atmospheric changes with various moments of contemplation around the site. The water slowly moving from one end to another between buildings, with its presence celebrated as it enters and exits before being swept back to the Dora Bàltea River.

- Perspective Collage -
Aerial view of the proposed flooding of the abandoned Olivetti site

Existing site with natural terrain
Divert vehicular highway for access to city
Addition of walls
River water redirected
Site filled with water until a level of 10m
Addition of fountain and waterfall for entrance and exit of water
Addition of bridge in water
Addition of pathway that loops around the entire dam

- Masterplan -
Plan of the abandoned Olivetti site showing which buildings will remain above water after the flooding

- Site Section AA -
Longitudinal section through entire site showing level of water and height of buildings.

- Site Section BB -
Cross section of site showing level of water and height of buildings.

- Perspective Collage -
View from the Olivetti Learning Centre showing the extent of the flood.

- Perspective Collage -
View of the Olivetti West Residential Unit showing the potential of a public pool to be created.

- Bridge Detail Perspective Section -
Drawn to Scale 1:20 || Section through pigmented concrete sunken bridge. Bridge will be held up by concrete columns.

- Perspective Collage -
View along Via Jervis of the proposed flood and access bridge.

- Bridge Modules -
Bridge will be made in modules to allow for flexible assembly.

- Perspective Collage -
View from the entrance of the sunken bridge down Via Jervis towards the Olivetti factory buildings.

- Perspective Collage -
View from sunken bridge overlooking fountain that brings water into the space in a celebrated manner.

- Archipelago of Monuments -
Existing Olivetti buildings transformed into an archipelago of monuments

- Dam Wall Detail Section -
Showing section through the east proposed dam wall that will contain the 10m depth water within the site.

- Perspective Collage -
View of the east dam wall from the city. The waterfall allows for a certain drama as the water leaves the site. At the same time enhancing the urban space along the wall.

- Perspective Collage -
View of the east dam wall from the proposed pathway along the edge of the dam.

- Dam Wall Detail Section -
Showing section through the west proposed dam wall that will contain the 10m depth water within the site.

- Perspective Collage -
View from the west dame wall showing the grass bank and the potential for it to host leisure activities

- Physical Model -
Built at Scale 1:2000 || Axonometric view of flooded site with tops of heritage buildings still showing above water.
Foamboard - Timber Pieces - Pigmented Glycerine

- Physical Model -
Built at Scale 1:2000 || Showing aerial view from city side of wall.
Foamboard - Timber Pieces - Pigmented Glycerine

- Aerial Collage -
Aerial view of proposed flooding of the Olivetti site in relation to the historic centre of Ivrea across the river.

- Panel Layout -