Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang

A Columbarium in the Forest Cemetery in Riga, Latvia
Bee Breeders Competition, 2021
Team within OXX: Christopher Taylor
Design Strategy - As with the first columbaria in history, this proposal too, is sunken into the cool underground to limit its visual impact on the surrounding forest landscape. A circular hole is carved out of the site to reveal the space beneath. The circle, with its characteristic of having no corners or dead ends provides a space where one will never feel trapped or lost. Large structural columns and beams then hold up a halo-like roof that cantilevers over the columbarium below and seems to float just above the natural ground level, providing shelter to visitors as they mourn their loved ones.
Symmetry is used as much as possible throughout the design for its ability to create a sense of calm and order within the space. This, coupled with a pond as the centre piece, which reflects the heavens above, creates a cool, serene space below the forest floor. The circular pond looks as though it has been cut and dropped from the roof above to reveal the surrounding trees; providing a natural backdrop to this, otherwise, cavernous space.
Although the proposal is grounded by hard and heavy materials such as stone and concrete, the columbarium niche walls are cast using a pink-pigmented concrete, adding a lighter spatial quality and an air of hope and affection.
The halo-like roof is planted with a variety of flowers, each with its own symbolism and meaning for mourning the deceased. The different florae are also chosen for their various bloom periods, creating an ever-changing crown of colours and fragrances with each passing season.
A Mourner’s Experience - Approaching the site, sunlight draws visitors’ eyes through the greens and browns of trees to catch glimpses of colour waving gently in the breeze. Turning the corner, they emerge from the dense forest into a clearing where a crown of flowers hovers above the grassy field. A winding pathway guides visitors slowly around the floating flowers, some even pick a few on passing to place next to their loved one’s niche.
A ramp is revealed around the back of the structure and gently brings the mourning visitors down to the columbarium level. At the bottom of the ramp, the large circular columbarium space welcomes the visitors in with niches along the entire outer wall and a central reflection pond glistening in the sunlight below a hole in the roof that reveals the surrounding soft forest trees. As the breeze ripples gently across the water, causing the reflecting light to dance on the underside of the roof, visitors continue around the walkway to pay tribute at their respective niches. Having given their respects, they take a seat by the water’s edge and let their eyes wander from the greens of the trees to the ring of colourful flowers being reflected on the pond’s surface.

- Perspective -
Exterior View approaching the Columbarium
situated in the clearing of the Forest Cemetery.

- Site Plan -
The existing site sits within a forest clearing.

3. Height created through excavating down. Columbarium walls added around the outer edge.
6. Symbolic flowers for mourning loved ones are planted on the roof that floats above the columbarium.
2. Landscape is raised
to reveal underneath space.
1. Landscape is cut.
4. Hole is cut to allow light into space below.
5. Piece of roof is dropped down to become a pond that reflects the heavens.

- Basement Floor Plan -

- Ground Floor Plan -

- Perspective -
View from within the columbarium, underneath the halo roof.

- Section AA -

- Section BB -

- Landscape Plan -
Research is done on the types of flowers that are both symbolically significant and able to survive in the local climate.
The variety of flowers allow for an ever-changing halo landscape throughout the seasons.
(This is represented on the above plan using different Latvian Landscape Paintings.)

- Perspective -
View over the reflection pond and up towards the surrounding forest trees.

- Exploded Axonometric -

- Competition Panels -