Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang

Regenerating an Arsenale.
A Masterplan for An Ex-Military Site in Pavia, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017
Design Instructor: Remo Dorigati
Team: Christopher Taylor, Valentina Capra, Alessia Macchiavello
Following the theme of ‘The Sustainable City,’ it was decided that in order to provide for a healthier lifestyle and to give back to the city of Pavia, a forest would be created and given back to the public. Considering this forest element, the idea of a full and void system became a clear strategy to pursue.
Following this strategy, it then became necessary to demolish the entire west side of the site in order to provide enough land for the forest to thrive. Across the canal, on the east side of the site, a dense urban system is integrated with the existing historical buildings. Separating these different systems is a single passage of water.
The challenge was then set as how to create a dense urban environment and how is density defined? To solve this problem of density, the idea to fill every open space is used leaving only a consistent dimension of streets necessary for circulation. Three areas were then identified for further densification; the edge along the canal, the public squares created by the historical buildings and an empty space in the south portion of the site:
In the area along the water’s edge, a series of elongated housing buildings are strategically placed not only to form more of an urban edge to the canal but also to allow for air ventilation, natural sunlight penetration and to maintain views to the historical building behind, when looking from the forest.
Inside the public squares, cubes of shared space (Co-Working & Co-Living) are used to fill the spaces but never touch the existing structures.
In the portion in the south of the site a new node is created to allow for the creation of three main connection to the forest and to filter the movement through to the river Ticino further south.
Further research into density has been made with emphasis on new and innovative ways of living. The integration of the work and living space within the apartments along the water’s edge provides users the opportunity to work from home and spend time with their families. A shared public bridge sits in-between; providing circulation and a place for meeting. The addition of the Co-Living building at the end of the sequence allows for an alternative living experience giving importance to shared spaces in-between the living spaces.
The connection of these two systems then becomes an important element within the strategy as it allows for the two systems to co-exist. Three public passages are then introduced, giving the ability of one system to flow into the other, knitting both sides together and creating a cohesive whole.
These three connection are not only seen as circulation infrastructure, but also as public open spaces where one finds themselves in-between the two environments of artificial and natural. These spaces, in the form of bridges, can accommodate a variety of public activities where a series of urban poles are places along the bridges, servicing the public with various functions such as Wi-Fi, charging stations and the ability to host various types of events in-between the poles by using them as structural elements.
The required theme of Sustainability can be seen throughout the project, on all the various scales. From the urban strategic idea of the forest, to the various passive systems applied to each situation, to the integration of the greenhouse into the lifestyle of each of the residents, allowing the inside temperature to be moderated.

- Defining the Void -
Historically Important buildings maintained on right of canal.
Other Existing Buildings demolished on left of canal.
Urban Forest to fill entire half of site.

- Designing the Full -
Density achieved through process of filling in the voids between existing buildings leaving only the dimension of streets.
Three streets are created to connect both systems.
Various public functions placed at end of each street


- Functional Scheme -
Scheme showing arrangement of functions inside the dense urban system.

- Master Plan -
Drawn at Scale 1:1000

- Urban Densification Strategies -
Filling in the holes in the existing fabric. Leaving only a public street between buildings for circulation and meeting.

- Forest Void Strategy -
Creating public voids and circulation using the clearing of forest trees. Three nodes were created with the addition of a new agricultural tower, an existing industrial structure (to be converted into a place of learning) and a mirror pool with the same dimensions as the tower.

- Physical Model -
Built at Scale 1:1000

- Perspective Collage -
Showing archives rising out of urban forest creating a reference point within the green landscape.

- Ground Floor Plan -
Drawn at Scale 1:500

Scale 1:200

Scale 1:200

Scale 1:200
- Ground & First Floor Plans -
Drawn at Scale 1:200

- Perspective Collage -
Showing view from elevated public walkway between housing buildings sitting along canal

- Section AA -
Drawn at Scale 1:200

- Section BB -
Drawn at Scale 1:200

- Section CC -
Drawn at Scale 1:200

- Physical Model -
Built at Scale 1:200
Showing Housing Unit and its relationship to the new forest across the newly created dam

- Perspective Collage -
Showing view from inside Co-Living building block at the south end of the site on the canal.
Shared space looks onto green courtyard with desks for studying along the edge.

- Plans of Living Unit Typologies -
Drawn at Scale 1:100

- Perspective Collage -
Showing view from inside Duplex Unit along canal with view to forest in the background.
Greenhouse balcony has been integrated into the living space and can be used to cool the space in summer and warm the space in winter.