Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang

Weaving Community Through Play.
A Cultural Centre in Sedhiou, Senegal
Kaira Looro Competition, 2018
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
The design begins with the idea of a circle being the ideal architectural shape to represent and host community. Instead of the general theme of creating one main entrance, the design favours an approach that creates multiple access points around the site to serve the community from all angles. The main design spaces are, therefore, divided into three circular buildings strategically placed on the site to create a shared public space in between. This open space serves as a flexible receiving space for the various communal functions.
The three buildings are divided as follows: The Administration space; which is placed on the corner of the plot so as to watch over the collective spaces that sit on the site. The Exhibition space that has an open, flexible plan to host various kinds of art and cultural exhibitions. Finally, the Performance and Education space; which has combined these two functions to save on space and materials and is possible because they require similar typologies in terms of having a speaker and listener.
These buildings either use thick clay walls to mediate the temperature inside or remain open on all sides to allow constant fresh air to flow through. Each of the three main design spaces are also given water storage space so that each building can use its angled corrugated roof to successfully collect, store and distribute rain water at various points within the shared space. This allows the proposed site to serve as a point of relief within the hot climate.
Addressing the act of storytelling, where the elder passes down generations of stories to the younger members of the community, it seemed necessary to provides elements of a playground that partly enclose the site and enhance the function of the outside space to create a place of joy that fills the site. These ‘play’ elements are placed in order to stitch the scattered cultural buildings, weaving together culture and play, thereby creating a place where all ages of the community are welcome.

- Perspective Collage -
View from street into shared public space

Placement of three functions relating to cultural centre

Placement of rain water storage and water collection points

Placement of playground elements

Public space created between buildings allowing for circulation and play

- Exploded Isometric -
Showing cluster of buildings and element of play between. Water storage units attached to each building shown shaded in black.

- Ground Floor Plan -
Arrangement of three main functions creating public playground space between

- Perspective Collage -
View inside performance and educational space

- Section -
Cut through Exhibition Space and Performance Space. Water storage tanks and water collection points also shown connected to each function.

- Perspective Collage -
View inside exhibition space

- Competition Panel Layout -