Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
Activating the Periphery.
An Aquatic Centre in Milan, Italy
Masters Second Year, 2017/2018
Design Instructor: Paolo Debiaggi
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang

A Cultural Reveal.
A School of Arts in the Am Hof Square in Vienna, Austria
Start for Talents Competition, 2020
Team: Christopher Taylor, Alice Huang
This proposal for the new Wien School of Arts attempts to leave as little footprint as possible whilst maintaining most of the existing public space. Following this pursuit, the more private programs; such as the workshop and office spaces are placed underground. The more public functions are then placed above ground to interact with the surrounding public square.
Inspired by the Viennese Secession, the project makes small references to features such as decorative elements and the use of gold that was so prevalent in the movement’s art and architecture. The famous Beethoven Frieze also became an interest to the project, creating a contemporary replica using glass and the scenes of everyday life to form an ever-evolving frieze.
Looking to the Secession Building as a temple for contemporary art, the exposition hall acts as the central anchor point, becoming the main connecting space between the school of arts and the public. Glazing on the street level allows passers-by to peer into the atrium space and discover the creative works the school has produced. Similarly, students working below have a constant visual connection to the happenings outside. The 11m high atrium offers enough space for large art installations with the glazing providing an ethereal quality to the exposition area as light changes with the passing days, influencing the atmosphere of the space.
The workshops below ground border the exposition hall on either side and cannot be seen by the public at street level, however, skylights provide natural light to each workshop. A full and void system on street level works to divide the space into three intimate public squares, at the same time offering public functions to the square and access to the school below. The result is a new Wien School of Arts that sits modestly within Am Hof Square, becoming a meeting point for contemporary art and culture, and linking the private functions of the school with the public functions of the city.

- Perspective Collage -
Exterior View as one approaches from the south end of the square. The extended overhang of the roof and the exterior timber bench create a welcoming place.

- Exploded Isometric Drawing -
Private school functions placed underground
Skylights and Atrium to provide light to underground spaces
'Full & Void' system above. 'Full' provides public functions. 'Void' provides access below ground
'Full & Void' system divide site into 3 public spaces
Monolithic roof hovers above, creating sheltered space. Greenery creates threshold into site

1. Entrance/ Amphitheatre
2. Book shop
3. Double volume space
4. Restaurant
5. Green area
6. Outdoor seating area
- Ground Floor Plan -
Showing arrangement of the 'Full and Void' within the Am Hof Square. The 'Full' provides public functions to the square such as a restaurant and bookstore, and the 'Void' provides access to the basement level.

1. Entrance/ Amphitheatre
2. Reception
3.Staff offices
4. Staff dressing room
5. Exposition rooms
6. Machine room
7. Equipment storage
8. Painting workshops
9. Photography workshop
10. Sculpture workshops
11. Architectural workshops
- Basement Floor Plan -
Showing the more private workshop spaces flanking the main exhibition hall.

- Section AA -
Showing section through the stair/amphitheatre, the main exhibition hall and one of the workshop spaces

- Perspective Collage -
Interior view of main exhibition hall. Glazing along street level allows light to filter in as well as the public to peer through and discover the various student works on display

- Section BB -
Showing section through main volume with restaurant and book shop serving the public on street level and the exhibition hall one level below with an atrium space for pedestrians to peer into.

- Section CC -
Showing section through the underground workshops making use of skylights to bring natural light into the spaces

- Perspective Collage -
Interior view of the painting workshop space. A skylight illuminates the space with natural light as well a recessed wall with concealed artificial lighting for displaying 'in progress' works.

- Competition Panel Layout -